Neighborhood Based Service Delivery Program
The King Irving Neighborhood is one of 10 Des Moines neighborhoods that participate in the City’s Neighborhood Based Service Delivery Program (NBSD).
The program incorporates assets from all city departments to enhance the quality of services to the designated neighborhoods.
Individuals from several City departments - Police Department; Fire Department; Parks and Recreation; Water Works; Public Works and Housing/Health & Zoning – work together as teams with the objective of assisting the neighborhood in identifying and prioritizing concerns, planning a course of action and implementing a solution to the problem.
The NBSD team members most visible in the neighborhood are those from the Police Department and Housing/Health & Zoning. These team members are assigned with SUV’s or pickups with a distinctive blue and gold striping package and decals designating them as part of the Neighborhood Enforcement Team.
The Neighborhood Enforcement Team members for the King Irving Neighborhood are:
Sgt. Bernell Edwards
DM Police Department
(515) 205-1312
[email protected]
Eric Barker
Housing/Health & Zoning
(515) 283-4980
[email protected]
In addition to attending many neighborhood meetings, the Neighborhood Enforcement Team members are on the street and available most weekdays between 8:00AM – 5:00PM.
Please contact them if you have a crime or zoning or housing related problem.
In the event of a crime related emergency ALWAYS first call 911!